My dad, Phil, was a great guy in many ways. He loved us kids and my mom a lot, there’s no doubt. But he was also profoundly unhappy. From him, I learned that when you’re stuck in a job that doesn’t draw on your strengths, that doesn’t allow you to use your gifts, that keeps you unsatisfied, unfulfilled, and miserable – it wreaks havoc on the rest of your life as well. And while it makes me really sad that that is how he spent so many years of his life, I’m at least a little bit grateful for it as well. Because, of him, I’ve made choices that have led me to some amazing things in my life – for work (and work that feels like play).
Seeing what my dad went through, and the effect it had on not only him, but the whole family, is why I’m so passionate about working with people to make their jobs better – life is absolutely too short, and too precious, to waste away days, months, or years of it in a job that makes you – and the people around you – miserable.
That’s why I’m so excited to be able to offer my “How to Make the Job You’re in Better” Group Coaching Program. It starts on Dec 6th, 2017, and as a thank you to all of you, there’s a special rate that is good through Friday, Dec 1st. The Group Coaching Program includes six group sessions, powerful individual activities, and two one-on-one coaching sessions with me. You can find all the information here, as well as ways you can connect with me if you have questions.
I wish there had been someone to help my dad realize there were other things he could have done; that he wasn’t stuck; that he could have made his job better. But it was a different time, and he didn’t have that person. That doesn’t have to be true for you. If you’re feeling trapped and frustrated by your job, or know that you’re meant to be doing so much more, then I hope you’ll consider joining this group. This could also be a really meaningful gift for someone you love, given that the holiday season is coming up.
You can get a taste of what the Group Coaching Program will be like from listening to the audio recording of the “How to Make the Job You’re In Better” virtual workshop I did on Monday (just scroll down to the bottom of the page). We had a great discussion on the 3 C’s of making your job better, and some fun, too! Tucker, the one-of-a-kind mountain attack poodle, even made an entrance.
Here’s to making your job better!